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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

UK Farm, Yong Peng

This is our family trip together with gong-gong, po-po, jiu-jiu, jiu-mu, xiao-yi and uncle Richard. We went to UK Farm near Yong Peng.

We had fun there. While waiting for the shuttle bus, we had a chance to ride the poney.

Still waiting for the bus, we played in the playground where there are swings.

The first stop: preparing food for goat. It was so smelly!! Look at me and mei mei.

It's time to feed the goat. I dared not feed the goat initially, but mummy kept encouraging me to reach out my hand to feed the goat. Mei mei is not afraid of the goat at all. She is so brave. We enjoyed feeding and hugging the goat.

Passion fruit farm is our next destination. The passion fruit are so big and fresh. We picked a lot of passion fruit there, free of charge, haha.

On the way, we passed by a big field. Does it look like New Zealand?

Next stop is milk feeding the small goats. It was much harder than we expected, probably because they are too full already?

And this is daddy feeding Wei Ern, isn't that funny?

Finally, it's lunch time. Me and mei mei ate muffin made from goat milk. It was yummy..... Daddy and the rest enjoyed the kambing sup a lot.

Oh, I almost forgot. We had goat milk ice cream too just before we left UK Farm and it's our favorite flavor -- DURIAN!

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